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Zeca em Haia Nov 1978.tif

José Afonso … o Zeca 

"Music is civically engaged if the musician, as a citizen, is engaged. It's not the singer's work itself that defines that commitment, but rather the set of circumstances that bind the musician to his moment in History, to the political context of his time, and to the people with which he shares his life and for whom he sings."

Interview by Viriato Teles, November 1985,

published in "As Voltas de um Andarilho"

No site encontrará uma informação completa sobre o poeta José Afonso:

  • biografia ; 

  • discografia ;

  • letras das canções 

  • bibliografia

Zeca Afonso, Vitorinho e Fausto.jpg
Zeca Afonso.jpg
Zeca Afonso, último concerto no coliseu.jpg
coliseu  Casa da Imprensa  74    Zéca.jpg
1 foto inédita ZECA santarém enviada soeiro 196.JPG
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